What was up with this dude?

My classes were Mon, Wed, Fridays. Fridays were my science lab days and my work days because I worked at the school part time after my classes.

I rode the bus to and from I was in my last two months of school. So one day it was a Friday so I got on the bus it was one man, and two young guys and the women bus driver. I spoke to everyone and sat down after that one of the guys was like who comes to school on a Friday when they don't have to, that's dumb.

I thought to myself why do you care and most people aren't up here for nothing, and if they were its there business. After that the older guy we always speak and talked he ask me, was i still trying to open a hair salon up I said yeah I'm going to. Next thing you know mr motor mouth was like she not going to make nothing and saying smart comments.

I'm looking at him like who are you to be judging me yeah I didn't give off a confident with my answers but who are you to judge me.

I guess he looked at it like if I really wanted to open my own I would had more excitement in my dream.

In the end I don't have my own salon but I partnered with someone else.

But my question is why did he judge me the way he did? Did he sense it, or was he being rude?
What was up with this dude?
1 Opinion