Is it petty to bring this up?

My boyfriend has been making me feel guilty and terrible for something someone else did. One of my guy friends followed me on Instagram. I don’t consider him much of a guy friend but more like a acquaintance cause we don’t communicate much anymore. I haven’t seen him over a year. He has been hitting on me but I don’t say anything back. My boyfriend has been throwing tantrums and think I have been flirting back. The thing is I never gave him my Instagram name he found it.

A few months ago my boyfriend didn’t get me anything for Christmas. Just a few days leading up to Christmas he lend a female friend of his money. I don’t know how much he was giving her but he gave her money multiple times. I ask him for some money as a joke and he always tells me no. The next month in January I needed $500. He offered to pay me the 500 as long as I gave it back by the end of the month so he can make the purchase. This was being serious. I had my own money but was short of $500 for a bill. He was going to use that money to go towards his savings for something he wanted. He told me he would give me the money twice.. I agreed but was very hesitant about it and never gave it to me anyway. Is it petty to bring up how he gave a girl money multiple times when he’s getting upset about a guy friend?
Is it petty to bring this up?
1 Opinion