I really like this guy I’m seeing but he’s giving mixed signals SOS?

I’m texting this guy who I matched with online over social media. We’ve been on a date, and it went well overall. We had loads in common, but I feel like I was super nervous and maybe this came across but we kissed (did stuff) and both said we wanted to see each other again, we’re still messaging and he’s very busy so obviously the messaging isn’t as intense as before and I don’t mind. But he keeps on using the word mate? And then will continue to flirt a little it’s very confusing and making me get a little intense… I asked if he wanted to make a plan for when he’s back in the city (currently home) and he said he’d be up for it but needs to double check what day with work, gave me an option of Thursday or Friday which gives me hope he actually does… I realllly like him why does he chuck mate in there? He likes a lot of girls pics, which I know is social media and is getting to my head I can’t control him but just feel a little overwhelmed and lost as to how to move forward!!! Thanks x
I really like this guy I’m seeing but he’s giving mixed signals SOS?
2 Opinion