Is my coworker crushing on me?

I have a male coworker who is 27. We both worked in the same team in a different department for a year, but never really spoke.

Last year, we transfered to our current department. I went in September 2021 and he in December 2021. Because we were both fairly new and knew eachother from before, so we got to know eachother pretty well. We like the same movies/series/music and are the youngest people in our department by far.

I have a boyfriend and live with him. We have been together for nearly 3 years. My coworker has been in a relationship for 5 and also lives with his girlfriend.

I have noticed that my coworker gets a bit.. I don't know overly friendly with me. We speak all the time at work (we work from home and have our works phones on speaker to have an idea that a coworker is closeby). Sometimes I call him, other times he calls me. He confides in me what is up with him and our manager and says that I am very good at reading him: nobody is and I confuse him.

In April of this year he messaged me that he dreamed that I came over to his house, but that he did not open the door for me. I shrugged it off and changed the subject.

In May, he and his girlfriend went on a holliday. I covered his cases for him. He sent me several scenery puctures of his holliday and also some selfies which he asked me to not forward to others. They were funny selfies, not shirtless or dickpics.

I went on a holliday after he came back and he covered my cases. We discussed what happend during when we covered eachothers cases. I said that one his clienst was quite innapropiate towards me. I jokingly said that the client was very happy to hear a womens voice. My coworker said he gets sometimes very happy when he hears my voice aswell. I shrugged it off and changed the subject again.

His girlfriend also works from home and I sometimes hear her stumbling in the background of our phone calls.

Do you think he is crushing a bit on me?
Is my coworker crushing on me?
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