Why would he delay returning my things when he's in a new relationship?


We broke up just under 3 months ago. He told me he stopped himself having feelings for me and didn't allow himself to get attached. He said he can't think on terms of a relationship and doesn't want one with me or anyone else.

I returned his t-shirt after 2 weeks. Im still waiting for my jacket. I left it as his friends when we went out, his friend was meant to send it and didn't. My "ex" collected it and told me he sent it himself about 3 weeks ago before he went on holiday, I didn't receive it.

Waited until after his holiday to let him know. He said it got returned to him because the address was wrong, but then said he forgot to put the first line of the address. How tf could you "forget" to put the most important part on a package? That was over a week ago and I'm still waiting. Found out a couple days ago that he's in a relationship.

Side note- he had an opportunity to tell me he was seeing someone. He was originally meant to stay at mine before flying. I offered that he can pop in for a coffee if he wants to. He said, I dont think I can now but thanks for the offer and then suggests that we play a game when he gets back (obviously it didn't happen)


Why would he delay returning my things when he's in a new relationship?
3 Opinion