Ex long distance boyfriend ended up blaming me for the breakup and me leaving him? Why if he pushed me to that?


I'll explain a little bit the story.

He controlled entirely my life: he literally banned me from going to any celebration where males could attend, from posting pictures of myself on social media, made me erase old pictures he disliked, made me filter my followings and followers, made me stop wearing certain clothes (no showing belly), he even banned me from going to the gym. I didn't even go to my master's graduation.

If didn't comply with whatever bans he wanted to impose on me he would call me unloving and disrespectful.

Every time I felt smothered and tried to leave, he would hurt himself and hit his own face, leaving bruises all over it. As we were long distance, he would send me pictures and videos of his face.

At the end of our relationship, after the breakup, he told me I left him, when in reality, he was unable to be with me if I attended the gym. I told him I would go to the gym even if he disliked it. He couldn't handle it and said he had to leave me because I didn't love him anymore. Later he said I left him. He said he wanted to work on his issues but I wasn't patient enough with him. But when I was asking him how would he improve and which impositions would he lift up, he said it was a matter of time and now he wasn't prepared to do so.

The relationship was filled with accusations towards me, and without any basis. He even reached the point of thinking I was having sex with someone while being on the phone with him, only because I was ill and was breathing heavily and I was moving the table next to me.

All of that was a roller coaster for my emotions. I gave up on innumerable things to make him happy. But he kept pushing his demands on me. Then, when I couldn't deal with anymore, he started saying I didn't love him and I left him. At the end, he hated me and said I didn't hear him or understanding him. He was about to come to my country and be with me.

Could I have done anything differently?

Ex long distance boyfriend ended up blaming me for the breakup and me leaving him? Why if he pushed me to that?
3 Opinion