Is he nervous or not into me?

Please give me some insight on this situation.

Background: I've been friends for a year with this guy (let's call him Bobby), a lot of women are attracted to him because he's very nice and thoughtful however he never makes a move and even when a girl approaches him he doesn't really interact much.

Anyways, about two weeks ago he confesses to me that he feels a connection between us and we both agree to start seeing each other and we both want to take things slow we also agreed to not tell our friend group what we are doing yet. We text each other, and he asks me a lot of questions and keeps the conversation going but tbh I'm the one who initiates contact. Nothing physical has happened apart from him kissing me after he walks me back home.

Current issue: yesterday we were out with our friend group, and a couple that we've never hung out with before came. Bobby barely interacted with me that day. We spoke for a little bit, but he mainly directed the conversation to the couple. My current friends who came are all guys, and they were all talking to me and making jokes with me, Bobby just had his back to me the whole time, when all of us went dancing he barely looked at me and just talked to the couple and made sure they were having fun. He always walks me back home at the end of the night, but this time when we left the club he kept talking to the couple while standing outside and when I said I'm walking back home now (a friend was going to walk with me because their apartment is in the same direction) Bobby's face turned red and he said "Oh you're going home?" and I said "Yes" and I just left.

I'm worried he's not that into me or he likes my personality but doesn't find me attractive... That night it felt like he was really trying to avoid me and I didn't understand the reason. Was I supposed to set boundaries with my other guy friends now? Any insight about this?

Is he nervous or not into me?
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