Early morning my ex messaged me “all good?” What does this mean?


We were dating for 1.5 years before he moved to the states for a job and said he’d like to “pause” our relationship bc its long distance and he’s not ready for a commitment. I was obviously upset bc this is not what we had planned initially.

Anyway, I reached out to him after 4 months of no contact. It was a friendly message, I told him that I was the local restaurant we both really like, and I’ve been thinking about him since. He responded and said that he’s seen my watsapp display pictures change and he’s been thinking about me too. We talked casually (no conversation about the paused relationship). Then 4 days later he messaged me saying that he was listening to this romantic song and asked me what I was up to? When I told him I was out for dinner. He asked “who is this lucky person you’re out with?” I told him it was a female friend. That conversation also ended well, we didn’t talk about the relationship being on pause etc. 5 days later we have another friendly casual conversation.

And then next morning 8am he sends a text “all good?” This message was so random. I have no idea why he’d ask that. We didn’t end our last conversation awkwardly. Also I didn’t call or message him accidentally the night before. So why would he ask this?
I responded “yes, why? Are you doing okay?” To which he responded “yes. All good. Thanks.”

I’m confused. Can someone tell why he sent this “all good?” message? What does he mean? I’m confused if he wants to get back together or if he’s trying to figure out if I want to get back together?

1 y
He actually asked “all okay?” (Sorry, in my question I said he asked “all good”)

I’m wondering why he’d suddenly early in the morning ask “all okay?”
Early morning my ex messaged me “all good?” What does this mean?
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