I tried to openly communicate his intentions, does this mean he doesn't like me?


This guy invited/organized to meet me one on one (never really made intimate moves), talked to me regularly, flirted, asked me intimate questions (ex: crushes/relationship), bought me little gifts, and gave me handmade crocheted doll. I thought this all meant he might've been interested in me. In return I've given him small gifts of things he would mention on wanting to try (ex: food/drinks), flirted back, regularly messaged back.

Additional context, I opened up to him on my strong inability to take hints and that caused a lot of people hurt.

I didn't want to assume his intentions so I asked him nervously on why he was hanging out with me and he said it was for the memories and that the timing was just right? He also added on a loaded question leads with no one winning at the end.

I'm feeling discouraged and a bit hurt by this because I did liked him but I held some hesitation because I didn't want to be playing this game of ambiguity. Does this mean he was just messing with me? Was he just bored?

I tried to openly communicate his intentions, does this mean he doesn't like me?
5 Opinion