What might he be feeling?

A question to all men. I need your perspective.

I have a ex, we have been apart 4 years now, who maintains contact with me. We have always had many ups and downs, strongly due to weak communication skills and relationship issues with parents on both sides. Last year I tried to give the relationship another go becuase I'm in love with him and dispite knowing we've tried a failed many times before I was willing to try once again (yes insane I know). I left a relationship to be with him becuase he told me I had to make a choice, him or the new man. I picked him and then he began to tell me has wasn't interested anymore. (I got back together with the other guy after)

Months past I extended a olive branch and offer him a gift for his birthday, he ignored my gift for 1 month, asked me for money twice within the month and then tried to ask for a change in gift. I ened up not gifting him anything becuase who comes to collect a gift 1 month after the offer.

He got very upset with me told and told me he never liked me, to keep my distance from him, not to speak to him anymore, and a few more things to try to bring me down. Then few weeks later messaged me asking how I was doing, saying he likes to make sure the people he cares about are ok.

The love of my life (whether he feels the same about me or not) Is not communicating clearly with me and all I want is to understand him better. Could it be he still has feeling for me after all it has been 4 years, or is this a game, or is there another feeling that I'm not considering?

Men how do you behave when you are hurt or upset vs when you are not interested or in love. Please help me see things from another perspective
What might he be feeling?
What might he be feeling?
2 Opinion