I can’t get over the fact my boyfriend follows girls who are white and blonde. We keep fighting over it?


Been together 3 months, met each others family, see eachother every weekend as we live an hour away. It was going good

but I went on his insta and noticed he follows insta models who are white, tanned and thiccc.. something I’m not

I confronted him about it and he said “I followed these type of girls ages ago. I’m more open now”

but I feel like he’s not into black girls cause I didn’t see one black girl on his Instagram list

he said “yeah them girls look nice and have nice bodies but they’ve normally got dry personalities and fake”

So is he only with me for my personality and deep down thinks I’m unattractive

he said I need to love myself more and stop bringing up girls on Instagram/celebs but I literally look nothing like them

some of the girls he follows (she’s a celeb)
some of the girls he follows (she’s a celeb)

if these are the type of girls he follows why the hell is he with me?
I wouldn’t date someone who I didn’t fancy the pants off

I can’t get over the fact my boyfriend follows girls who are white and blonde. We keep fighting over it?
47 Opinion