Was he into my friend at the start of us or am I overthinking?

He was into bigger girls and my friend was very very skinny. She was tiny

But he said it looked like she’d been working out and she had really skinny legs.

He’s a bum guy and my friend has no bum whatsoever then he said don’t need it all.

He also said it’s weird when girls are 5 foot and under but he likes it. She’s basically the same height as me.

He could have easily been able to get my friend rather than me but never tried with her ever. I also snooped his messages and when his friend talked about my friend being attractive he doesn’t join in and doesn’t seem to want to.

He only talks about me in these conversations.

He told me he could appreciate my friend was attractive like he could many girls but he personally didn’t find her good or want to date her. I was his type because I had a bum and facially.

But then he’s turned around and said he doesn’t think I have a big bum now and it’s just proportionally big on me but it’s not a big bum. It’s a nice shape and a good bum but not big. (Even tho everyone tells me I have a big bum, he always tries to bring me down). He said it’s 100% a fat bum but it’s not big. It is just fat and very big for on me.

Was he into my friend or am I overthinking
He was into her
He wasn’t I’m overthinking
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Was he into my friend at the start of us or am I overthinking?
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