I'm so confused about whether he ever loved me or not?


Deep down I tell myself someone that loves you wouldn't have done what they've done. Like looking at half naked women and saving photos to look at later or lying about messaging people (supposedly because I was doing it first, though he admitted to doing it).

Just weeks ago we sat and he cried to me about how I was the love of his life and how he lost me because of something that happened to me recently. Then he moves on with another girl he barely knows and she moved all the way from Chicago. She's obviously desperate..

I text him the other night pissed because I thought he messaged another guy I was talking to (he's done it before) and the next day he calls angry about something I did over a month ago, accusing me again. Called his self talking about his girlfriend wanting to fight me. Me and my cousin got there and I exposed how he literally called me on my birthday a week ago. he turned to her and told her don't listen to me and said he called me about his w2 coming to my house. Then her dumb ass believed him when he lied right in her face.

We were so close and he so toxic at times. It was a back and forth and he rarely defended me to his so called friend. I feel like he's doing it to get at me. he really lied and told them I've been harnessing him for a year and I'm mad because he doesn't want me like tf. After all I've done for him and helped him

1 y
I don't know what people aren't comprehending when reading but I am no longer with him. If you read, you'd know that. It's plain as day. He is my ex and I'm not trying to work things out, I'm just stating what's going on
I'm so confused about whether he ever loved me or not?
4 Opinion