How would you feel if you were sharing your struggle and your SO responded like this?


I had an illness that affects my voice. I can talk now; most hoarseness is gone. I can't sing yet without making it worse. I am in 2 singing groups. There are 3 practices & 1 performance this week. I was saying to my boyfriend on the phone that I hate not being able to sing & that I really want to, but I am afraid of hurting my voice. I said I feel bad for missing practices when the group really needs singers & we're learning all these new songs. Suddenly he says, "Okay, we ALL KNOW you want to sing. I already know you feel bad but I guess if you HAVE to tell me every time, that's fine!" I had not told anyone else but him, so I don't know where the "we all know" came from. I could tell that he wasn't in the mood to sympathize, so I kept it friendly & said, "Ok, well, I guess I'll go now." He started laughing & said, "You're so funny!" I try not to get triggered. The day before, he said he wants me to open up to him more. He said, "I don't know how you feel unless you tell me." We had counseling to help with our communication. He called this morning and says in a snarky voice, "Anything you want to discuss? Were you up ALL NIGHT ANALYZING everything?" Then he reminded me of what the counselor said: to say "Can we talk about this at a later time?" I said, "If you know to do that, why didn't you, then?" He said, "That was my way of saying it." I have asked him multiple times to be direct instead of the passive-aggressive comments. He does it to other people too. If it bothers me, he says I'm too sensitive or "you just hold on to everything." He says to tell him if he makes me feel bad but when I do try it only ends up with him telling me I shouldn't feel that way. It's frustrating & seems impossible to solve. Sometimes he says, "Oh great, you're going to be sad again." This was after people we know have died. I listen to him even if he talks about the same work problems over & over. His requirement seems to be for me to pretend his snarky comments never happened.

How would you feel if you were sharing your struggle and your SO responded like this?
1 Opinion