Why is he waiting so long to respond after replying quickly?


After having casually seen each other then gotten in a fight and not talked a few months, we started talking again and he was really nice and sweet. Not like the other guys I’d been seeing. He came and spent the night about a week ago and said later he had a good time and we should do it again. Only he said to let him know and that the ball was in my court as far as when I wanted to get together next time. I waited just over a week bc I didn’t want to look pushy. I texted him random stuff about his day and what I was making for dinner. When he said he might need some of what I was preparing I saw that as an opportunity and asked if he was busy tonight. Now granted he had been replying quickly (5-30 minutes at most between texts). After I asked if he was busy though I’ve had no response for 5.5 hours. Why all the sudden silence? And if he didn’t want to come or way busy why did he not just say yea I’m busy tn?

Why is he waiting so long to respond after replying quickly?
3 Opinion