Why don't guys come up to me even after obvious signs?

Everytime I'm at this club I see guys I find hot but I can never do anything. They always look at me too but nothing ever happens. I for some reason can't really look at guys I like, like I'll look anywhere but them.

Yesterday it was different though for once. I was standing outside the venue with my friends talking and next to us was a group of guyd and there was this guy who kept looking at me and one time I looked at him and we accidentally locked eyes and I immediately looked away. 2 minutes later it happened again. I think that was kind of obvious or wasn't it. This could just be coincidence but he always looked at me and we stood there several times that night

I'm wondering why nothing ever happens from stuff like that. Makes me kind of really sad because I'm way too shy to do anything and I have bad anxiety too, I have so many lost opportunities

Why don't guys come up to me even after obvious signs?
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