Should I move on or ask him out?

I have a relationship with my coworker, which started 8 months ago.

He was the one calling me first, he showed some signs of interest... he was always finding ways to touch me.

I have started developing feelings and we have had phone conversations which continued for hours.

One day he seemed different and told me that he was seeing another gal. I don't know if he was serious or just making me jealous, but I really believed that and felt mislead and miserable. Anyway... he hasn't stopped doing what he was doing with me, but I have decided to not act on my feelings then.

A month ago he did something which changed the game for me.

He grabbed my breasts unexpectedly. I didn't push him away... and from that moment on we have become more physically comfortable with each other to the point where we made out a few times and almost had sex. He said that he would like to go out with me but haven't asked me out except for the lunch break. To be honest I thought that things will escalate quickly, but now we seem to be staying to a point where I don't know what we are doing. I wonder - should I ask him out or not? He has some issues at work and is really stressed. Looks a bit depressed and maybe that's the reason for the lack of actions, bu I don't know...

Should I move on or ask him out?
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