I have thyroid issues and pcos , which makes it somewhat harder to lose weight and keep it off unless I starve the crap out of myself , I notice I constantly get ignored by men or ghosted online , I don't know if that plays a factor or they’re just being jerks for the sake of being jerks with no particular reason.
- 1 y
Something like this shouldn’t prevent you from getting a great guy if you’re a great woman.
You haven’t found the one yet and if someone can’t accept you for who you are. They’re not worth it
Now not all men who aren’t into you are bad. It means you’re just not for them. Doesn’t mean tneh judge you as a person.
But. No it shouldn’t prevent you from dating.13 Reply- 1 y
And don’t starve yourself. It’s not healthy. Please follow sound medical advice
- Asker1 y
- 1 y
You’re welcome
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9K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. It could be the explanation. Start with guys you already know or friends of friends.
111 Reply- Asker1 y
I tried dating a friend he obviously forgot that I asked him and hasn’t said anything else about it since then and he’s the only friend I have.
- Asker1 y
Yes I’ve tried dating guys online with similar hobbies thinking in the past that maybe it was conflict of interest , but that didn’t work either
- Asker1 y
One guy as I said and he forgot about it.
- Asker1 y
I like the guy, but I don’t want to keep reminding him of things nonstop.
- Asker1 y
Not Irl that I know.
- Asker1 y
Well there’s no where else to go
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If you need relationship advice, it's what I do.
12 Reply- Asker1 y
thanks a ton, I’m in an online one rn that kinda comes and goes.
14K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. You know how you look so what is it then¿
118 Reply- Asker1 y
Well I’m always going to think that I look like shit no matter what.
- Asker1 y
It’s difficult when ya been ghosted several times.
- Asker1 y
I’m not Christian
- Asker1 y
- Asker1 y
There’s people without religion that have relationships and I don’t find religion particularly fun or interesting , no offense. Everyone should be able to believe what they want and have their own religion or lack there of, but it’s just not something I’m interested in.
- Asker1 y
I think Christianity has rules that are basically impossible to follow sometimes.
- Asker1 y
Okay 😂 have a good day sir 👍🏻
- Asker1 y
I’ll do my best 👍🏻
13.3K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. I doubt weight is a factor
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