Opinions needed, Im wondering if my boyfriend is cheating/flirting behind my back?

We have been dating for 5 years. He tells me all the time that he gets hit on all the time. When he is ordering food or even on the job. He kinda bloats about it to me when he says a particular red shirt attracts women. He sent a pic of himself smiling with the shirt on after he got hit on. Kinda weird but pop off. He tells me this girl at work be bluntly speaking her mind with him saying he touches her or he want to feel her. She is the extroverted type to say it loud and proud. She even cat called him. :/ she said she wants to ride his d*** and shit in front of people. He said that she put the thought of sex on his mind ๐Ÿง Well i was feeling rlly depressed one day about my self and he reassured me. We spoke about that girl and whats happening at work. He told me he ate her lunch bc he was hungry and how he dosent like her ๐Ÿคจ then he all of a sudden says โ€œshe has a nice bodyโ€. That irked me. And i lied that i felt better that day. Its 1am rn and we all hav those thoughts at night that linger. Is he flirting with her bc he has been clearly checking her out! Ngl me and him are both gonna see her tomorrow whether he likes it or not. I wanna know how they interact with each other if she sees me and him as friends.
Opinions needed, Im wondering if my boyfriend is cheating/flirting behind my back?
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