Is it just comforting friendliness or maybe attraction?


This might be long, let me apologize.

I have a problem understanding one's feelings towards me and I think I might be overthinking a lot because deep down I want him to like me so this is not helping.

Dear all, what kind of situation is here, am I not crazy thinking attraction is mutual?

1. Accidental? touching. Like forehead to forehead, knee to knee, arm to arm when sitting together. No one moves away and heaven's know how we gravitate so close but we usually do. The biggest one was head on my knees (but on the other hand he had to lay on the ground to fix something and I think it was just better than plain ground). This happens when no one's around.

2. Remembering small things like what kind of nickname I use for my cousin and what is my #1 item on wishlist.

3. Teasing me. For how I fold my hands, how I wrinkle my face, how clumsy I am, how I like one color or how I like to disagree. I might have punished him a few times with light punch for this and now he constantly reminds me of my strong hand and how much it looks like he'll get another one soon. Also he mentioned he likes playing with me like this.

3. Being there for me. When having a shitty day because of personal reasons he notices, follows to private area and listens. Not only listens but helps to calm down and reassures it is not a big deal. Goes back another day with another portion of reassurance that hints he's been thinking about my problems even when I was away and took them personal.

4. Eye contact. I usually avoid it but here it just happens and goes on for minute or more. You could just talk and stare or just stare and feel comfortable.

5. Telling me how he knows when I am not telling truth because he reads my face very well and how he likes my habit to tell what I think.

6. Sometimes it looks like we are fooling around and teasing each other but somehow I always know he'll support me or listen on a bad day.

Nobody else around me behaves like him so it makes me question even more.

9 mo
Thanks for your advices everyone and thanks in advance for not yet written ones.
I forgot to mention that I've known him in proffesional environment for 4 years but the special relationship have started less than an year ago when he suddenly started paying much more attention to me than usual and we've grown to this strange friendship or whatever to call it.
Is it just comforting friendliness or maybe attraction?
12 Opinion