Why are guys so confusing?


So I went out drinking with my guy friend (were both single by the way), but when a guy came up to me asking what's my name if I'm single and if he could have my number my friend came over putting his arm on my waist, saying that he's my boyfriend and telling the guy to go away but when I asked him why he did that he said cause I'm his friend and he doesn't want something bad happening, then two days later we went to a house party I was invited to I asked if I could bring him with me cause he wanted to come they said yes and he said he was gonna hang with me so nothing bad happens, and then when we got there we had a drink together then a girl came up to us and asked if we were dating, and he said no so the girl brought her brother over to me cause he was single but my friend got really mad and went outside, so I went out to see if he was ok cause I was really confused why he suddenly got mad

8 mo
He does this when he doesn't drink too
Why are guys so confusing?
8 Opinion