Guys, Why Did I End Up Dancing With His Friend?


So basically I just have a (very long, sorry) question about this experience I had in a club in Europe. I told one of my female friends that I thought this one guy in front of us would be fun to hook up with, and she immediately poked him on the shoulder and asked if he wanted to dance with me. I was SUPER embarrassed and could barely look at him, but after I few seconds passed by I looked up and realized he was having a conversation with the friend who was standing next to him. It was in Italian/they were both really tall so we couldn’t understand anything they were saying, but I also was not paying attention to any of their reactions/expressions. I looked over at my friend because we were both were just waiting for something to happen and when I looked back the guy was gesturing to his friend, who was also gesturing towards himself, basically saying he wanted to dance with me. I said yes and it ended up being a bad decision (dude tried to pick me up to kiss me and fell over), so I cut it off pretty quickly. His friend, the guy that my friend originally poked, hadn’t found anyone else to dance with and was standing alone nearby when this happened. Within the next 5 minutes I saw that both guys had found new girls, but they ended up leaving the club alone around the time my friends and I did, which was probably 10 minutes after that. I guess my question is just, what do you think was the deal with the conversation they had after my friend poked the guy/why did his friend end up dancing with me instead of him?

Guys, Why Did I End Up Dancing With His Friend?
4 Opinion