Am I right for not seeing him for second date?


On our first date, We sat and chatted for 4 hours. I really enjoyed talking to him. He was charismatic funny, had great social skills. It was rare for me to meet a guy i enjoyed talking to so much. But there were a few things that stood out to me in a bad way: he looked at a bunch of hot girls walking by as we were talking... he was on his phone 3 times when it rang 3 times on the date. Im a very understanding person... i didn't see these things as an automatic disqualifier. Throughout all the guys i have met Through the past 7 years, he was the only guy who checked out other women right in front of me on a date. He was also the only guy who took 3 calls in one date. No other guy had done this. Besides this , there were a few moments where he said things i found to be a bit insensitive. He also kept touching me on my arms and thighs

2 days later, we were scheduled for a second date at 8pm. I texted him st 7.10 pm to check if he was on his way. He never replied back. By 7.50 pm, i got there and still no reply. I suddenly had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to show up. So i just waited until 8pm and then left.

The next morning, he texted me that he knocked out cold in front of the tv cuz he was so tired. He didn't even say sorry. 8 hours later, i decided to be understanding and replied "its ok, i get it".

6 days later, he replies "ok, cool". By this point, i thought this person was so cringeworthy and i knew he didn't care at all. By this point i really regretted saying i wanted to give him another chance.

Since then, he had been trying to get me to go on a date with him again. He kept saying he had a good time. I told him that i didn't think we were a good fit. He kept asking for another chance.

he's one of the very few guys i actually enjoy talking to. Its hard to find a man like that. But at the same time, i have a gut feeling he's not a considerate, trust worthy person.

Am I right for not seeing him for second date?
6 Opinion