Would a guy possibly be acting like this if he likes me as more than a friend?


I’ve known this guy for almost a year. He texts me almost every day and calls/FaceTimes multiple times a week and talks for hours. He calls me “babe”, “baby doll”, “darling”, and “my dear”, but in a kind of lighthearted and joking way. I personally don’t call my friends pet names, but i guess some people do? I don't know lol He remembers tiiiiiiiny little details I told him about myself ages ago. One day he’ll make loads of comments about me being pretty…then the next day he’ll insult my appearance 😒😂 He makes weird comments out of the blue accusing me of dating other guys. He teases me about other guys a lot. Whenever I ask him if there’s a girl he likes, he refuses to answer the question. Once I asked him how many girls are chasing him, and he said “2. But you’re not one of them.” He shared his screen with me on FaceTime once, and randomly started scrolling through his text messages between him and another girl…. it was so random He randomly mentioned his celebrity crush to me and called her his girlfriend, so I went ahead and mentioned my celebrity crush, and his response was “Stop crushing on another guy in my presence.” There’s other things that have happened that I could tell y’all about, but I don’t want this to get too long 😂 anyways…this guy claims to not be ready for a relationship with anyone right now, but literally everyone that knows us thinks we’re dating even though we aren’t. I don’t even know if he likes me as more than a friend or not. I’m so confused 😂

Would a guy possibly be acting like this if he likes me as more than a friend?
6 Opinion