At what point do you know you should stop flirting and move on?

Here's this question with more specifics:

A guy at my local gym has been constantly flirting and touching (not private parts 😂) me, has been asking my time so he could show up the same day, we've texted each other several times and last time he asked why I was skipping and asked me to tell my time again and came at that time to see me there. (We have different routines though so we don't workout together)

I've been flirting with him back and didn't mind texting first and stuff. He obviously likes me but isn't making any more moves besides flirting, it's been awhile since he's texted and besides flirting nothing is happenning. And I made it like crystal-clear that I like him back.

Am I lying to myself or what is he waiting for? Can someone explain his behaviour?
At what point do you know you should stop flirting and move on?
6 Opinion