Is this a red flag? Should I stick to my 1 year plan to get to know him?


So I went to middle school and highschool with this guy. I knew he liked me in middle school, but I thought “oh it’s just a silly crush, it will pass”. I did like him in middle school but I was just afraid to do anything about it because everyone would have negatively judged. Flash forward 7 years— (we are both out of highschool) we lost contact. I noticed him watching my insta stories- yes I did look at his profile and I did follow him back. He accepted and 2 weeks later he professes his deep romantic feelings for me out of no where. This whole time he didn’t talk— he told me he was contemplating reaching out. He said he had liked me all 7 years we didn’t talk. So I told him I was flattered and I wanted to be friends, I wanted to wait a year before I start dating him. He agreed and is totally ok with that idea. A week later, I went to dinner with my friend and I started talking about him. She wanted to look through his insta. She found he was following a lot of inappropriate women accounts and so I brought that up to him and he said he would remove them. (He only removed a few). He said he wants to make me as comfortable as possible and he is willing to wait for me. My friend sees the account thing as a huge red flag to the point where I should end all communication with him. I see that it’s a sign of caution but not a “run the other way” sign. Am I stupid for thinking about it this way? On top of that, he has a car, job and didn’t finish college (but planning to go back) . My mom doesn’t approve but I’m hoping baby steps— especially with a year. My friend said she would cancel me if I don’t cancel him. I feel overwhelmed and sad.

Is this a red flag? Should I stick to my 1 year plan to get to know him?
5 Opinion