What does it mean when he wants me to stop texting so much and focus on myself is it over and why does he still follow me, does he just need space?


To make this long story short he said this because I over texted due to him ghosting we still follow each other he needs space often when he ghosts it causes overthinking and abuse ( ghosting is emotional and psychological abuse ). He's a alcholic I do not drink I care

I did over text.. I texted a sad thing then he ghosted I insulted him and unsent and wrote a nice thing and he said why would I ever respond to that you're 27.

So our last text was I'm sorry if I've done you wrong I gtg and he said you're doing yourself wrong bye. Then I left it with How am I doing myself wrong I care about you Maybe I’m a doormat friend.

Now I'm giving him space I want him to get better but sometimes I miss him and get in my head.

It hurts a lot these last few night I have been sleeping with a heavy heart. It'd not the first time and to top it off my dad died in 2021 and his birthday is on April 11th and we cut off most of his family except one uncle and both sets of grandparents are gone their house got sold no more childhood family memories. And other things.

Anyways please be nice in the comments.

26 d
An update cause so far guys do not get it and neither do they do get us we are the emotional sex ( us women or in scientific terms females ) men are strategic more strategic.
The guy is the one in question OK and I KNOW Females can be be bitches... oh yeah but NOT All females.
I'm not a Bitch I love hard and love a broken ass male is hard I can't reraise him and I can't fix him. He's 26. He never got closure from an ex due to her not trusting him I tried giving him her closure.
26 d
He had a big page with a bunch of followers and she called him on it when he was in the relationship and was talking to underage
So girls came forth even including me but for different reasons
She doesn't trust him and she says he's a pathological liar

So again read the fine print and I'm sorry I didn't mention it in the text but what I did mention was Do Not comment mean stuff. Cause it's not all men like not just all girls.
So think before you text.
What does it mean when he wants me to stop texting so much and focus on myself is it over and why does he still follow me, does he just need space?
3 Opinion