Why does he still reach out to me after months of no contact?

So there’s this guy I met at work about 10 months ago. October to January last year/this year we worked in the same place and he was supposed to be my supervisor/mentor at work.. because I was just an intern. Over the course of three months we, of course, spend a lot of time together. I really liked him and we got along very well. He even hugged me a few times.
Then January came and I left the workplace. Every now and then he texted me to ask how I’m doing. I never initiated any texting because I didn’t want to seem clingy. And now, a few days ago, he called me at my new workplace. At this point we haven’t actually talked to each other in 5 months. Only some texts a few months ago. I really did miss him.
So taking that into consideration, I was quite surprised that he still cared enough to take time out of his day to call. He called to ask how I’m doing and how I like my new work place. At the end of our quite brief conversation, he wanted me to call him when I get back to uni. I told him that I’m happy he called. To that he responded that he actually wanted to reach out weeks ago but due to his night shifts it wasn’t so easy.
Why is he doing all that? Isn’t that too much? Does it mean something maybe? I’m probably delusional.

Why does he still reach out to me after months of no contact?
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