Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

A few weeks ago, I wrote two takes: 5 Beautiful Female Body Types and 5 Sexy Male Body Types. The idea behind both takes is that everyone is beautiful in their own way, no matter what you look like.

But let’s face it. While it’s very possible to be beautiful at any size, and it is because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, being healthy at any size isn’t the case. You can be thin and beautiful but be malnourished just like you can be big and awesome but a pre-diabetic. For this Take, I’d like to discuss the latter, mostly because of my own weight struggle. I’m 5’3 and 170lbs, but, as some G@Gers who have seen me know, I’m not fat. I’m overweight. And yes, there’s a difference. If you don’t think there is a difference, then you aren’t very educated on the subject.

But in any case, I have a weight issue, no matter how great or small, and I want to lose weight, just like other people do. I started my weight loss journey a year ago and only started to lose weight these past couple months. Here’s why it took me so long and why it may also be taking you forever as well.

1. Your Weight Is Your Fault

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

This is the reason I struggled with the most. You’d be surprised, but this is probably the main reason most people don’t lose weight because they don’t think it’s their fault. They blame McDonald’s or lack of healthy foods in the area or a busy work schedule.

Look. You are overweight because you willingly picked up that burger and swallowed it. The amount of time and money you put into ordering, waiting in line for, and devouring that double Whopper with cheese, large fry, and diet coke (which is a joke in and of itself) is the same as grilling a chicken breast and putting it over a salad for lunch the next day with a bottle of water.

2. You Try To Justify Your Weight

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

I’m guilty of this, and honestly, it really makes no sense. You want to lose weight, but you’re trying to convince everyone that extra 40 pounds of fat hanging off your love handles is perfectly normal. No, honey, being 40 pounds overweight is not okay. Do you look good? Probably. Doesn’t mean you are healthy. I’ll be the first to say that the BMI is a load of bullshit because it only takes into account height and weight of white people, and nothing else. Not muscle, not bone density, not ethnicity, nothing. It’s outdated and useless.

And I used that as an excuse to justify my weight. Should I weigh 135? According to my doctor, no. But I shouldn’t weigh 170, either. Doctor’s have instruments to actually probe your body fat percentage accurately. You’d be surprised to know that according to the BMI chart, mine is 32%, but according to my doctor, it’s actually 27%. While that’s definitely better, it’s still not a healthy percentage nor where I want to be. A 20 pound weight loss will fix it but you can’t fix it if you try to justify the weight you are already at.

3. You Don’t Exercise

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

No, walking around the office is not exercise. I was a server for 4 years and a teacher now. I’m always walking and running somewhere. Guess what? I still put on weight. Unless your job is a personal trainer, you need to exercise. If you can’t afford a gym membership, be creative. Go running. Walk 2 miles after work. Do 3 sets of squats when you wake up, again at lunch, and one last time right when you get home from work. Look up a workout video on YouTube. Trust me, there is PLENTY. Get off your plum duff and do some exercise.

4. You Exercise, But Don’t Eat Right

I have a personal trainer and the first thing she said to me is that you have to change your diet. In general, your weight is 80% what you eat and 20% what you exercise. And no, exercising does not mean you can eat more. Find healthier foods to eat. If you forget breakfast and go to McDonald’s, get the oatmeal instead of the McGriddle. Less calories, less sugar, and it’s about the same price AND it’ll keep you fuller longer.

Greek yogurt is packed with protein and while it may not taste the best, your body will thank you later. But if you’re one of those people who thinks exercise should be enough, there’s a giant chance that you are in for a rude awakening. Very few people can get away with eating whatever they want without it impacting their health and that’s especially true as you get older.

5. Your Diet Isn’t As Healthy As You Think

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

So let’s say you actually exercise and changed your diet, but you aren’t losing weight. Why? This is definitely the realest struggle in the weight loss game. Well, at least it is for me. I struggle with a food addiction. To give you a perspective, I used to drink a 2 liter of coke every day for 5 years straight. Yes, you read that right. I also ate out a lot. I’m talking Big Macs and tacos as far as the eye could see. The only reason I’m not completely massive right now is because I played soccer, swam, and was marching band the entire time. I’m very lucky that I don’t have diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, even at my age of 26.

I changed my diet. I thought I was doing awesome. But I wasn’t. I switched out unhealthy foods for healthier versions. Instead of a Big Mac, I made burgers from home, but still put them on white bread. I ate oatmeal bars instead of a bowl of cereal, and they actual had more calories and double the sugar. I switched to eating grilled chicken from fried, but continued to dip that sucker in a blob of hot sauce. And nothing changed. I thought I was eating better and I wasn’t. You have to do your research, people.

Those processed ‘breakfast’ bars, protein bars, dried fruits, etc. are not as healthy as they are advertised. I only realized my mistakes about 3 months ago. Actually, typing it out, it sounds really stupid and I feel stupid for thinking I was doing awesome when I really wasn’t. I was doing awful. Sugar free cheesecake is still cheesecake. No added sugar does not mean no sugar. No fat foods are not necessarily the best, either.

If you are guilty of any of the 5, you need to change if you ever hope to lose weight. My highest weight was 183lbs. and because I made these realizations, I was able to get my weight down to 170, but I’m still working at it. You’ll hit a plateau. I have. But the important thing is not to set up camp there. Do your research. Ask for help like I have. Keep working at it. But just know nothing will change if you don’t make the effort

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1

Losing Weight: 5 Reasons You Suck At It, Part 1
22 Opinion