Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU


My take on the importance of caring our bodies

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Wassup boyos? Enjoying the internet and its peasants? I know that your comfy bed is the most gravitational place on earth and why bother with this whole โ€œexerciseโ€ trend? I mean, hell. It's hard work. It's time-consuming. Your body aches. Your butt smells like rotten eggs. The number on the scale isnโ€™t the only reason to exercise. You have been told a hundred times that exercise is good for you, but still you are not convinced. I'm not here to convince you either. I'm just here to tell you that how just bringing only one change in our life made us far better than you in various aspects of life.

Before we get started, lemme protect myself first. I am not talking about juiced up bulls (no offence, you guys work really hard), I'm just talking about the regular peeps who get their asses off the couch to be a better version of themselves. And I am not gonna talk about the obvious reasons like "We look better than you", "We are stronger". You know it and you don't even give a fuck. But you know what?

When we talk, you listen

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Fitness freaks plan and set-up their goals long before starting their journeys. They introduce themselves with difficult tasks. Little accomplishments add magnificent confidence boost. Just look at them, when they walk, when they talk, they carry their pride bags with them. That rush of endorphins has a ripple effect on everything they do. People respect them, after all, they are motivational. You spend your time reading comments, liking pictures of hot celebs. They spend their time shedding sweat. When you approach them, you make sure you better not mess with them as you don't want a black eye.

We make insulin, you take insulin

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Exercising is futile without a proper diet. Looking at a healthy person, you can clearly tell that the person must be eating properly. Everything from our silky hair, glowing skin, sharp eyesight to a tough body, everything is is functioned by the essential nutrients provided by our scrumptious diet. Exercise also improves our bodyโ€™s ability to metabolize glucose. We got our macros and micros in check. And you? The only thing you check regularly is your blood glucose level.

Our sex life VIP, your shit needs ID

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Did I get your attention now? Exercising regularly balances the hormone levels. Meaning? It's not just our body that attracts the people, it's our state of exuberance, performance and their instincts to get attracted towards the superior, help us scoring. We lift hundreds of pounds and you? You struggle even lifting your wee wee.

We promulgate, you procrastinate

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

We have rules, ideals, principles like you. Yes, I know you have that spirit inside you but the little difference we make is that we unleash it. We are determined, dedicated and disciplined towards our goals. We inspire people. We take rests and sleep well which is unfortunately an overlooked problem in the contemporary world. Good physical activity helps keeping our circadian rhythm on track. We are responsible and manage our time better. And you? You waste your time reading stupid articles on the internet. (srsly hoping there's no pun)

You wear clothes, we wear muscles

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Even people in their sixties look better than you. You are showing the signs of aging. No matter how hard you try to hide your flaws in clothing, you will have to face them because you just cannot hide from the diseases and weakness. Fit people don't just look good without clothes, but they have a great fashion sense. Our posture also makes us look better in outfits. They take their time finding an appropriate clothing item for different occasions. They know the fitting, what to show, when to wear cotton, when to wear polyester. They care about minor details, measurements and fabric of the cloth. And you? You spend all day in pyjamas or granny pants.

We are happier, you better change that diaper

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU

Exercising makes us happy, whether it is because of the fact that we do what we love, we get stronger, we look better, we eliminate stress, we eliminate heart diseases, we live longer, we have better mental stability, better balance, better immune system, better performance or simply, just a better life. Thank you serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, we just feel awesome because we just get better and you? You just get fatter, fatter and fatter

I'm not in this world to live up to your expectations and you're not in this world to live up to mine
-Bruce Lee




Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson


Bruce Lee (RIP)


If you are reading this paragraph, chances are, you are not as annoyed as I tried to make you. So listen, it is not just about bodybuilding, it is about fitness. If you are fit, you are automatically better than a wide majority. Just take care about your body, you have only one to look after and you will not be wasting your money, time or energy for someone else, everything is just for you. Swim, run, climb, lift, dance... MOVE!

Don't want to go to the gym? Why don't you check out myTake on Home Workout :-

No-Equipment Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

I apologise for using the words like "fat" and "ill" considering there are type-1 diabetic people in this PC society, but hey, I used them in the most optimistic and pragmatic way. Thank you for taking your precious time. Do you workout? Why? Why not? Are you satisfied the way you are living? Do you want to tell me how amazing you are? I would love to hear from you.

Game on folks, believe!

Bodybuilders Are Better Than YOU
49 Opinion