How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

This is mytake suggesting how to encourage a fat person considering he/she is your spouse. Of course, you're not expected to go up to someone on the side of the street for no reason and start talking to them about their diet or asking them to workout with you

First things first, I owe an apology to @LittleSally (who literally wrote a take against it) @ladsin , @MsMusic , @Hispanic-Cool-Guy , @michellebrown48 and all others who found my recent take offensive (Except Anons) and corrected me. I ain't gonna disavow that because I'm "man enough" to accept criticism. Writing it and having that perspective wasn't a good idea. So as an apology, here's another take suggesting ways to 'Encourage' fat people to lose weight instead of #FatShaming.

Explain the Consequences

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Whatever the cause is, being fat is unhealthy for every individual. Firstly you'll need to convince them that fat is unhealthy hence they can proceed to next step. Explain them diseases associated with obesity. FYI, diseases associated with obesity are heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, gallbladder disease and gallstones, osteoarthritis, gout, breathing problems, such as sleep apnea (when a person stops breathing for a short time during sleep) and asthma. You can find a detailed explanation here.

Discourage Eating Junk Food

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Studies have shown that over the past four decades, consumption of food eaten away from home has also risen alarmingly. It is well known that eating out may lead to excess calorie intake and increases the risk of obesity because of large portion sizes and increased energy density of foods.

Fast foods fall into this category of food. Fast foods are typically:- high in calories, high in fat, high in saturated and trans fat, high in sugar, high in simple carbohydrates, high in sodium (salt). Your goal here is to discourage that person to eat junk food. More junk food he/she eats, more fat he gets. Junk food is an addictive thing. There's no end to it. Maybe that's why McDonald's is known as the paradise of fat people

Try Homemade Food

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Homemade food can be tasty as well. Advantages are you can maintain your calorie content and the food quality. While cooking can be difficult, you gotta try and learn it. Homemade is always more healthy than junk food. It also gives you chance to accurately measure the calorie content you're eating and hence to modify it. Here are some recipes you can try at home: Pizza, Burger, Tacos, etc

Use Fitness Devices

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Fitness devices will help you to monitor their day to day activity. They're affordable for everyone. Lowest you can buy is just 11 USD and highest is 650.80 USD. Lowest one monitors your steps per day. Day to day steps are related to calories he/she burns. Recommended number of steps per day to maintain your weight is 10,000 as against to lose weight is 20,000+. The more calories they burn, the faster weight they'll lose. My recommended brand is FitBit. It is accurate, waterproof and long lasting

Do it together

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

It is the most important part. Don't be a coach, be a cheerleader. Losing weight is more encouraging when someone is accompanying you. The mere presence of someone else affects your ability to do an activity. Even if you already feel competent doing a particular exercise, bringing along your romantic partner may be a fantastic way to boost your energy output. Your partner’s presence will improve your speed, without you necessarily being aware of their influence. Irrespective of your own weight, you can exercise with them as it is beneficial for both. If that person is your SO, exercising together can make love bonding stronger as well.


How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Set some goals and when he/she achieves it, give a reward. It is a common technique used to make kids more creative or make them work but it works here as well. Rewards given by you can be materialistic like Money, Games, Books etc or non-materialistic like cooking for them, a movie or date together, etc. You can find many reward ideas here ("he" and "re" are two different links)

Be positive!

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight

Last but not least, one thing is common among fat people is they're quite lazy (yeah I really mean it). When encourging them, you always have to be positive. Don't judge them. Your goal is to encourage them. If you give up, they'll give up soon enough.

Thank you for browsing :) #NoMoreFatShaming

How To Encourage Fat People To Lose Weight
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