Need advice on running. Beginner runner here. Mental block interfering with progress.?

I'm having issues. I've just started running again and I'm training for a half-marathon. It is going ok, my cardiac stamina is getting better and my legs still hurt but it's a good kind of pain. However, I keep getting in my own way. I am scared that I can't run farther and push myself but I don't want to stop. So I go to the gym and half way through the run I convince myself that I've had enough for the day but when I stop and get back to the car, I don't feel like I did my best. I don't have that runner's high or satisfying ache in my legs from pushing myself. And it just keeps repeating. I don't know how to break the cycle. Any tips for moving past my current mental blocks.
Need advice on running. Beginner runner here. Mental block interfering with progress.?
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