Why don't you go and learn how to fight?

Here's the thing, the vast majoriy of humans don't have the slightest clue how to fight. How do I know this? Well, just go and stand outside a bar or club at the weekend, or watch a youtube video. You'll see what I mean. Or maybe you won't see what I mean, because (given the odds) it's overwhelimingly likely that you also don't have a clue how to fight, therefore you're probably unaware of what 'good' and 'bad' fighting looks like.

Personally, I feel as though learning how to defend yourself is one of the most important skills anybody can ever learn in life (for obvious reasons). That's why I train MMA, it encorperates all possible areas of unarmed combat; punches, elbows, knees, kicks, standing grappling and ground grappling. I would just like to point out that I'm probably one of the least violent people you'll ever meet, but I LOVE fighting. This may sound like a paradox but it isn't.

My question to you all is: why don't you learn how to fight and how combat actually works? I find it bizzarre how people can just go through life without truly knowing the most efficient ways (tried and tested) to defend yourself in an unarmed combat situation. Yes, you should try to avoid fights whenever possible, but that's not always possible, is it? Is it down to laziness? Lack of interest in your personal safety and the safety of those you care about? Ignorance? I'm genuinely curious to know why 99% of people don't learn how to fight.
I already train MMA dude.
I like to pretend I train MMA dude.
I train in a useless martial art that doesn't work in real combat.
I'm too lazy to learn self defence.
I didn't know martial arts was a thing...
I just don't care tbh.
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Yes, I'm aware that I should have added a poll option for people who train in a single (useful) martial art.
Why don't you go and learn how to fight?
Post Opinion