Please read? Is this normal?

Okay Im just going to try to get to the point. I feel like I might have social anxiety but I don't want to diagnose myself and my mom doesn't want to talk about it.
So I dont feel comfortable in certain classes. When the teacher starts talking and calling on people, my hands get shaky , I turn red, and start sweating. When I get called to talk, my. voice shakes. I feel like I can't breathe in certain classes, i overthink things.
I stress out about things I should have done or if I have to talk in front of people (eventhough it's like a month or so away). Those type of things keep me up in the middle of the night. I have issues sleeping. Sleep paralysis occurs every once in a while. I turn pink when I order at a restaurant or talk to people or maintain eye contact. I can't even buy something in Target without freaking out and my heart beats a lot.
I stutter sometimes and talk a lot and I run out of breathe. I prefer to keep to myself but I force myself to go out with my friends. There are some occasions when I can talk to new pll but sometimes it's soo hard to talk to new people.
I want to take anxiety pills but I can't even make an appointment to see if I have anxiety. My mom told me to get over it and says I have a lot of issues. She has seen me have my little episodes and still says "Im just shy"when she knows Im really open and loud with her. I can't just be out in public and feel comfortable at all. I feel so out of place even with my friends. I can't be myself at all and it's affecting me from doing things.
So, if you guys have taken or are taking anxiety pills, can u tell me what it does to you and if it helps. I would really appreciate that. Thank you for reading this far.
Please read? Is this normal?
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