Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Social Anxiety?

Yes, I know I could Google it I've done that nearly a hundred times. But I just feel like I need advice straight from the keyboard of someone who has experienced Social Anxiety at it's worst. I feel like it's starting to affect my marriage (although he assures me time and time again that I'm wonderful and he's very alright with my troubles)... I just feel like I'm not half the wife he deserves because sometimes the simplest of tasks that he asks of me seem daunting. I feel like he deserves someone who will go to the store for shaving cream at any time or go to lunch with him at a new place on any given day. But sometimes I just get so sick and nervous at the mention of leaving the house, especially if it involves other people or people I don't feel comfortable around. And it makes me sad that I can't do these easy things for him all the time.
Tips and Tricks for Overcoming Social Anxiety?
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