Am I to young to get these parts of my body "fixed" ?

When I first hit puberty I had a lot of zits which I got rid of my eating healthier, drinking more water and starting a new skin care routine. It sadly did leave me with a few scars on the sides of my face, shoulder blades and cleavage which I'm currently trying to get rid of with more "natural" remedies.

I am, however, considering to visit a dermatologist to get rid of them if my methods don't work out. I also would like to laser away hairs on the side of my face, armpits and upperlip and getting my teeth whitened.

Now I've been told by others that they've never noticed any of these things until I pointed them out but they still bother me from time to time. I also think it will be much cheaper and quicker to get rid of them this way. What do you guys think?
You're too young, stick with what you're doing right now
It's your body do whatever you like
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Am I to young to get these parts of my body "fixed" ?
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