I am really lazy, how do I get fit?

So, I'm at this point of age where I really should do some kind of exercise to not end up too unhealthy in the future. The problem is that since I've been a kid I was a really really really person. I went to multiple sport clubs like tennis club and a soccer club but I never really tried to actually play. Even now on my way home from school or work I tell myself that I would try to do just a little bit exercise to get myself to do it on a daily basis but with no hope, I always end up with an excuse.

I tend to eat a lot of sugery food as well, are there any alternatives which aren't too much of a hazzle to make? ( I mean it's just open the packet and eat for most sugery foods, fruit and suchs always seem to be prepared in some way. )

*I've disabled private opinions just in case someone else needs answers for this kind of question.

A lot of thanks beforehand!

I am really lazy, how do I get fit?
6 Opinion