What Should I Do About This?

So I think I have social anxiety and I'm a little bit depressed but my mom won't take me to a therapist. I am too young to drive, or make an appointment myself and my mom won't believe me when I tell her what I think. I can't talk to people on the phone or go into stores by myself. She believes I'm just lazy. Often when I ask her for stuff, she uses this to her advantage. A few months ago I wanted a new book and I asked her if she would drive me to the bookstore and she said I had to call first or she wouldn't take me even though she could have checked online. I ended up in tears and I was unable to call. She also does the same thing when I want stuff from stores, she says I have to go in by myself if I want to get anything. She even offers her own money to seem nice because she knows I can't do it. She says that if I really want something I'll do whatever it takes to get it but I can't talk to people on the phone or by myself. Also I cut because she expects straight A's in school even though I just transferred from a private school to a public school and the stress has been unbearable. I got a B in a subject and a C+ in physical education and she got really mad and grounded me. She has seen my cuts and dismisses them as me wanting to look cool or wanting attention. I have only one friend who has depression as well. I really don't know what to do because I just CAN'T talk to people and it scares me to the point of almost crying just typing about it. Any advice is welcome.
+1 y
Sorry about the amount of words but can someone please share an opinion?
What Should I Do About This?
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