Why can't I gain weight?

I'm 17 years old and I CAN'T GAIN ANY WEIGHT. I weigh 118 pounds and I'm 5'7 and I've been working out a lot. I'm toned but I'm not ripped because I can't gain weight. I've tried everything. Eating more meals, increasing my calorie intake to about 4500 calories a day, eating a LOT of chicken, and getting the about 120 grams of protein a day and I can't gain weight and I need to gain weight in order to increase the size of my muscles. LOOK AT MY SKINNY ASS
Why can't I gain weight?
I mean I'm tonned, but I'm NOWHERE NEAR RIPPED. My metabolism is WAY TOO DAMN HIGH and I can't gain weight. Why am I not gaining weight?

Why can't I gain weight?
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