Why is my girlfriend always tired?

she gets enough sleep (7 - 8 hours) every night like myself, but during the day she just looks like she only got about an hour or two of sleep. i can only tell this because she will get dark circles under her eyes, is constantly yawning, talking like she hasn't slept, and just looks like an insomniac.

earlier this morning at about 8:00am she woke up, was fine and had energy. but around lunch she started looking overtired. i was standing by the island in the kitchen just on my phone and she came around the corner, yawned, fell into me as if i was a standing bed, put her arms around me, then said "i've never been more tired than ever" in a jokingly way with a slight grin after i asked if she was fine.
no she's not depressed, emotional, or anything like that. she's just very tired during the day. her sleeping patterns are fine she said, but even after 7 - 8 hours of sleep, she still feels overtired. she also said she's fine in the morning, but by lunch or beginning of the afternoon that's when she starts feeling really tired. i doubt this is something that we would need to take to the doctor because it's not overly serious or urgent where immediate medical attention would be needed. me and her are just curious about this since usually if you get a good amount of undisturbed sleep, you shouldn't be feeling exhausted or tired all day long or at least by lunch.
Why is my girlfriend always tired?
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