Should I continue to give him a chance or move on?

I'm the not the most experienced when it comes to dating so here goes...

I've been "dating" this guy for a few months now. I say "dating" because we're hanging out but I put a wall up because I don't feel close enough to put that wall down. And my wall I mean, he's a friend, no touching, no kissing, just hanging out.

The reason for this is because he has no personality. He lectures me, gives me facts and figures and numbers without anything personal. Gives me the bare minimum when I ask him about himself.

I've been to his apartment, and there is nothing there. He's been living there for a few years now and there's nothing. Imagine an empty apartment with a desk and a chair, you have his entire place. No pictures, books, decorations, photographs, etc. Nothing to indicate he has any interests.

I've asked him about music, and he doesn't listen to it. Or watch movies, or play sports or games or anything except work.

And I keep telling myself to give him a chance, that maybe he's the type of person who doesn't easily open up, that it takes time. So I keep giving him time, but it's been months and months now, and I'm not making any progress with him.

Do you guys think I should continue to give him a chance and more time or should I just move on?

Thank you
Give him more time
Time to move on
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Should I continue to give him a chance or move on?
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