How have you guys been?

So i’ve been gone 2-3 weeks which I consider to be a healthy break to take from such a toxic place from time to time. Here’s whats been going on with me…
#1—I was glad to quit my toxic job but I’m at odds with em today since they tried to jip me out of money in my final check. Thank goodness I take screenshots of my hours and stuff before quitting but I’m not getting back any response on their mistake in pay.
#2—My sister left her drawing pencils out and i stepped on one in the dark. Horrible puncture wound near the side of my foot. I haven't been able to walk on it for a week now and am scheduling a doc appointment. I’ve been hopping around on one leg which isn't good for my back right now.
#3—I was pretty much bedridden anyways after my lumbar which thankfully wasn't painful during the procedure but cost me $650 that I’d love to tell them to shove elsewhere.
#4—After the procedure, it hurts like fck to sit up for even an hour. I really wanted to spend my month of no work, working out. But i can't even sit or stand and have been trying not to cry. But overall, its a sense of relief to be away from that job so I’m staying strong and hoping for the best 💪
How have you guys been? Anything new going on?
#FeelFreeToList #WhatsHappenin
How have you guys been?
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