How to cope with needing dental work but being unable to afford the cost?


I'm embarrassed and ashamed to say it's been like 13 years since I've seen a dentist. I have not had dental insurance and couldn't afford dental work without it. For awhile, even affording a basic routine cleaning without insurance wouldn't have been possible.

Now, I'm happy to say I have dental insurance and I do have some more money. I am by no means rich though.

I know I am going to probably need a lot of work. I am sure I will need my wisdom teeth removed (never developed them until my late 20s and never got them removed because they don't hurt - but at least one is only partially erupted). I have one tooth in the very back that is cracked (has a filling in it as well). I know I need a deep cleaning and at least one or two fillings.

I had one newer cavity that was small on one of my upper right teeth. Tonight, a part of it broke a little while I was eating, so that cavity is developing more and getting worse. I can now feel a rough spot in the area. Thankfully, I have no pain. I'm just scared that the cavity will keep growing and more tooth will break off if I keep waiting.

I have done a lot of researching and unfortunately, I have discovered basically NO dentist offers in-house payment plans. That is extremely disheartening. I tried to make an appointment earlier this year in February, but I realized that I wouldn't have the safety net of a payment plan, so I gave up.

Can I just get stuff done little by little? Like can I just pick and choose the work I have done and in what order it's done? Like can I say do the cleaning, fix the cavities and then leave the rest? What if I still can't afford it? I don't know if it'll be just basic fillings or if more work will need necessary. I have no idea about my gums. Overall, no bleeding, but I do have one small area between a couple front teeth I'm worried about (like a tiny little "triangle").

Does anyone have any advice on how I can fix my teeth when I don't have a lot to spend?

How to cope with needing dental work but being unable to afford the cost?
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