How concerned should I be about seeing a gastroenterologist?

Always tired, motivation depleting, weird sexual cravings but no desire to actively find someone. (Don't need thot drama.)

A simple meal of pancakes with bacon makes me inflate like a blimp in mere minutes, the only thing that seems to bring me any relief from constant gas and pain is olive oil. I used to have to eat at McDonald's to get that sick. Now, it's anything anywhere.

Everything feels painful or pointless. Had to have gallbladder surgery last year. It hasn't exactly solved every problem. Only removed the time bomb.

Can't tell if it's just IBS, or if it's liver failure or colon cancer. But I feel half dead most days. Worried like I won't live long enough to publish my remaining books in the series.

How concerned should I be about seeing a gastroenterologist?
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