My boyfriend keeps liking one specific woman's thirst trap pictures... Should I be concerned?

He's following this woman, but she's not following him. She's not a Instagram model or anything so she doesn't have a ton of followers. She consistently posts pictures of herself in her bikinis or in revealing clothes. These pictures are usually quite obviously focused on her butt, and they have captions which are purposely trying to illustrate that (for example, "suns out, buns out"). I don't have a problem with her personally (I don't know her) but it seems weird that my boyfriend likes all her photos when they are specifically focused on appearing sexual...

I would care less if she had TONS of followers (and therefore couldn't see my boyfriend's likes as clearly), but the fact that she only has a couple hundred makes me think she's seeing his likes and he wants her to see them.

Should I be concerned?

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My boyfriend keeps liking one specific woman's thirst trap pictures... Should I be concerned?
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