Girls, apart from waiting for the results, what's the worst part of getting a mammogram (or what do you fear most if you haven't gotten squished yet)?

What I dreaded the most was the infamous boobie squeezing but I really didn't find it that bad TBH. I means sure it was definitely uncomfortable but I certainly wasn't painful either.

But that's not to say that it was all fine and roses.

At the facility I went to they put these stickers on your nipples with little bbs on them to show where they are on the X-ray and taking those off afterward straight up HURT!

But I wouldn't even say that was the worst part. The most traumatizing thing was looking down and seeing what my boob actually looked like pressed in that machine. Like, I didn't think it was physically possible for the girls to get that flat. I was straight up hyperventilating and thinking "oh god, they're going to sag after this!". Yet somehow they managed to pop right back into shape after the paddle released.

But seriously ladies, if you're over 40, get the girls checked/clamped it could save your life. Just make sure you can take a hot shower right afterward and if you're a bit squeamish, don't look down ;)

Girls, apart from waiting for the results, what's the worst part of getting a mammogram (or what do you fear most if you haven't gotten squished yet)?
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