Is it bad to look at friends for weight loss inspiration?

2 of my best friends have lose a significant amount of weight over the past year through light exercising, but mostly through calorie reduction. It's not uncommon for them to eat maybe a salad a day and nothing more(besides drinking water) or for them to eat one small meal a day and nothing else. but they're completely healthy, have their periods, full head of hair and everything is fine. They've gone to doctors visits.

I'm the shortest of them so I weigh less than them, but I still diet routinely. Nowadays, before I eat something, I think about the decisions they would make. I say to myself sometimes "what would 'J' do?" "Would 'B' eat this?" I honestly look up to them as far as diet and exercise go and I try to align my diet with theirs. I admire their strength and willpower and they are older than me, so it's no surprise they have some amount of influence over me in the area I'm weakest in.

Is it bad to do this?

On a side note, I wish I could have these legs :///



Is it bad to look at friends for weight loss inspiration?
14 Opinion