Is anyone else getting annoyed at fast food advertising targeted towards children?

I know I'm younger to be a mother and I guess most people don't have children yet but will at some point, so you will have to face that issue then too. And I really think our government should do something about it

I just feel like you have to make an enormous effort to feed your children healthy. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and when I get groceries they're nagging all the time.

It seems like almost everything that is unhealthy is targeted specifically towards children. Like they usually have comics on them or they come with little toy. Fast food restaurant have those playgrounds, so you really have to try hard to keep your kids away from it.

I wouldn't give my children any fast food at all but apparently "all the other moms do" so they started to demand it.

We've come up with rules, like he's only allowed to eat 1/2 cup of candies every week, no cereal for breakfast, no nutella or peanut butter and yam only if it's homemade. We go out to eat only once a month to restaurant of his choice. And I feel for a 4 year old that's really pushing it but it's so hard to keep children away from unhealthy food, it's everywhere.

We have a big garden and I recently started growing some veggies, fruits and herbs there. My grandparents were really big on that back in France, so I picked up a few things. I feel it is really helping them to get a more healthy relationship to food but they still want their Oreo cookies, lucky charms or, my personal horror, those nestle magic straws.

Is anyone else getting annoyed at fast food advertising targeted towards children?
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