Is working out 7 times a week bad?

All plans I've ever seen give you one day break and I'm not entirley sure of the science behind it but it lead to be believe that having one day of no exercise is highly recommended.

However I would really hate to cancel one of my workouts. I'm doing a mix of cardio and toning/weights, so is it fine if I work out everyday.

I want to do:

Mo: Kettle bell class(50min) and maybe 20 min of light cardio

Di: 20 min cardio (Intervals 30sec sprint, 30sec moderate), 30 min light cardio

Mi: Lifting weights (45min) total body and swiss ball class in the evening (50min)

Do: 20 min cardio (Interval pyramid), 30 min light cardio, 30 min spinning class

Fri: lifting weights (45 min) total body

Sa: HIT class (50min)

So: Interval training with bodyweight exercises (i.e 2min squat jumps then 4 min ab exercises) I sometimes go on hikinh trips instead

It's more of a guideline. I will likley not be able to stick religously to it. But in most weeks I probably will, so do you think it's fine to follow that plan?
Is working out 7 times a week bad?
9 Opinion