Would you travel to other countries for the holidays, if it is just for pleasure?

I mean knowing how stressful and hectic can be traveling at this time of the year: Long airport lines, full airports, possible flights cancelled, health current crisis, virus variant spreaded all over the world and traveling from traveler to traveler, crowds everywhere, Then at your destination country, the chance of restrictions for the virus in tourist places, some business closed for the virus (as I heard in Europe there are starting with new restrictions due to the new variant), therefore you won't be able to really really enjoy your trip and all of this is for a pleasure trip.

Im not talking about a trip for health or job reasons, those are the exceptions, merely pleasure Im talking about. Im aware the world can't stop and life goes on, but you have to be very crazy to travel under those conditions only for pleasure. Maybe Is beause I dont know where I wind up dead and I barely commute from my job to home and viceversa, but I just can't imagine traveling and flying on a plane with this current chaos.

I know 8 people among relatives and friends who are this moment all are celebrating Christmas and/or NY in other countries with their families or by themselves only because "they Must celebrate this time of the year in other countries, is so chic": and they do it each year: 5 friends are in Mexico now (with their respective families or by themselves), one is in the USA, and the chic of my acquaintance is in Europe now with his new wife for Christmas and NY, cause "you just can't spend it in your home country you have to be in other country is so nice" and my sister and her husband is in Mexico now. My brother and mom barely take trips to other countries almost never, my sister and her husband do travel often.
Would you travel to other countries for the holidays, if it is just for pleasure?
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